Saturday, August 7, 2010

August-Born Birthday Celebration at Tadika Bintang Damai

Last Friday, Faiq's school organised a birthday party for all the children celebrating their birthday in the month of August. It was therefore a joint birthday party for Rizq, Faiq, Fariz, Harez and Alicia.

The birthday children were requested to bring their own birthday cake. I bought a blueberry cake for Faiq and prepared a party pack for the children :o)

The party started at about 9.15 a.m. I brought Aira along as one of teacher's suggested it. I hadn't thought about bringing Aira along..maybe because at that time she hadn't taken her bath yet.

The children gathered at the play area and sang birthday song for the birthday children. After everyone had blown their candles, the children shared the cake with the rest of their schoolmates.

Birthday children getting ready with their cakes

Birthday children and their schoolmates

My handsome birthday boy, who will turn 5 on 12 August 2010

Singing the birthday song

Blowing his candles

Yusuf helping Harez to blow the candles

Cutting their cakes

Let's feast on the cakes!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Faiq!!! -dina-

Nuraizah@Yong said...

TQ Aunty Dina

Nuraizah@Yong said...
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