Thursday, August 27, 2009


As usual, during Ramadhan, plans to meet up for iftar will be made. And there will be endless emails suggesting the venue, time to meet up, yada yada yada...
Amongst my MSM chums, we always call ourselves "Penunggu Gua" I don't know how that came about but most of the time, Dina is always the culprit in naming us.
This time around, a new word came up. KELIWON. Of course it is not a new word, I am the one who is ignorant of it. So I texted Dina.
Me: What in the God's name in keliwon?
Dina: That you have to ask Dang.
Me: It could be a cult, you know.
Dina: No, actually it is hantu.
Can't wait for Iftar with The Keliwons tomorrow :o)


Ain Bubuk said...

yong, keliwon tu maksud dia 'khamis mlm jumaat yang ke 4 setiap bulan'..usually waktu tu la momok beriadah dgn pesatnya sehingga kita takut - orang dolu2 kata laaa.. ;p heh

x silap ni bahasa jawa..if x silap la.. (I berdarah jawa ;p)

Nuraizah@Yong said...

Aiyookkkk, dah salah!!

So the correct sentence would be, "Can't wait for iftar on malam keliwon with penunggu gua" kah?

Pls advise, Miss Bubuk. Tengkiu!

Ain Bubuk said...

ok dh proof read dh. betul tu. hahaha!!