Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer 2010: Photoblog - The Best of Day 7

Wild flowers

National Wallace Monument

Before climbing the 246 spiral steps of the monument

In one of the halls on the way up

Panoramic view of Stirling from the top

Faiq reached the top of the monument too!

Stirling Castle

Bagpipes anyone?

Stirling Old Town

Church of the Holy Rude

Stirling Mills

Bagpipe players in front of The Hub

Along Royal Mile

Faiq & Aira: Bila la nak stop jalan-jalan nih?!


nurchaz said...

haha..hilman n jenna made the same comment masa we ols g oz last yr

Nuraizah@Yong said...

Standard ar tuh. Mak bapak yang excited nak berjalan, anak2 yang menjadi mangsa..haha.

Tetapi Faiq telah di'compensate' dengan trip to Hamley's and Legoland (walaupun tak setimpal..haha)..Aira tu je la yang hanya gain penat sahaja out of this trip..huhu!