Saturday, June 19, 2010

So Much For Promoting a Family First Concept

Excerpt from Chapter 15 9th Malaysia Plan 2006-2010: Fostering Family and Community Development

"During the 9th plan period, continued emphasis will be given towards building resilient families and creating a more caring Malaysian society. Towards this end, family development programmes will be implemented, particularly to promote greater community participation in caring for the socially vulnerable groups. In this regard, efforts by public sector will be complemented by the private sector and NGOs through partnerships and joint programmes. Focused efforts will be given to foster national unity and closer integration among Malaysians through improved and well-coordinated programmes. The strategic thrusts in the 9th plan period will be as follows:
  • strengthening family institutions towards creating a resilient and more caring society;
  • strengthening the social support delivery system;
  • ...
Recognising that the family is the primary determinant of a nation that is healthy, dynamic productive and resilient, programmes that contribute to the strengthening of the family unit will continue to be given emphasis. In view of the changing family structure and relationships, indicated by the increasing percentage of nuclear and dual income families, greater efforts will be undertaken to ensure that the role of family as the basic socialising, stabilising and care agent for the young and the elderly is maintained. Towards this end, the National Family Policy will be formulated with the objective of developing and enhancing the family institution as well as promoting a family first concept. This policy will ensure the incorporation of family well-being initiatives in all policies, legislation, programmes, services as well as facilities."

If this is a GOVERNMENT policy, why is it that people working in the government have to endure staying back till late at night every other day and requested to come to work on Sundays??! We have been robbed off family time on weekdays, do you still have to rob our weekends as well?! Why is it that the people who promote this policy could not think of what your administrative officers have to endure when your wahyu comes on Friday evening and you want everything to be ready on Monday?! Will the world end if you give us more time?

So you think our problem is solved when we have maids at home? Do you think we like it when our children started speaking with a foreign accent?!

I honestly cannot comprehend and don't know how long I can take this BS!!


Ainun said...


I think this is indeed the dilemma of mothers nowadays.We feel like devoting ourselves to bring up our own children, rather than leaving it in the hands of the maids but at the same time, we want that money of our own.

Probably working from home or sth else that gives you the flexible time to be with family and at the same time, earn extra cash.but, yeah easy said than done, right?

Frankly, after being a SAHM for almost 1 1/2 years, life has been a bless for me.Though it means SO MUCH lesser money (;p), monotonous life (at times), physically drained body from melayan kerenah anak (oh this one mmg sakit jiwa at times!) and doing house chores, come to think of it, those are NOTHING compared to the stressful working life, office politics and all other shits in the office.

After all, i always feel that nothing beats the satisfaction of seeing our children grow up in front of our eyes, the way we WANT it to be, cooking them and hubby homemade food, feeding the children, spending more time with family and running the entire household yourself, your way! They are just fulfilling =)

But, not all moms would agree with me though. It's an individual choices. Opt for sth that makes you smile at the end of the day.Being at home 24/7 does make my life a lot more simpler than before. No more glamorous clothes whatsoever but, i surely go to bed without having to think much of other things besides what to cook and how to better utilise my time, for myself and the family. Wonderful isn't it?

Wish life and things are a lot more simpler eh?

Take care.

Nuraizah@Yong said...

Ainun, thanks for your thoughts. I know that being a SAHM doesn't solve the problem..those who worked and end up SAHM always say that you'll feel free at first and then you get bored at the same old routine and the fact that you don't have your own money to spend.

That's my dilemma. I just wish things were simpler, that I can go back at 5.30 p.m. and spend more time with my kids. But sekarang nih mana ada keje yang senang kan? Oh well, I'll see how it goes! :o)

ja amran said...

i used to be in your shoes...i feel u, yong