Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My "Heroes" Ability

I think my "Heroes" ability is the ability to remember insignificant details.

For example, this morning I saw a rainbow on the way to work and I immediately thought of the way my primary school teacher (probably 23 years ago) taught us how memorize the colours of the rainbow (in sequence from below to top). Uda Ikut (is this indigo?) Bapa Hendak Kahwin Janda Muda. It is stuck in my mind till now and that's how I'll probably teach Faiq how to remember the colours.

Recently, my friend Shima emailed me about something that happened during in our MSM years. And then she asked me, "Siapa nama mamat pakai kasut merah?" And I simply answered, "Rashdan".

I find that really amazing. Although the same does not happen when I am trying to memorize for my PTK exam..huhu!And it is no fun when it reminds you of something painful.

Happy Thursday! 

1 comment:

ja amran said...

aku agree with fun remembering painful ones :(